So I am pretty much failing at keeping this sucker updated, but no one seems to care…well except for maybe Miss. LL yes you know who you are!
To appease LL I shall finally put up some pics.
The coast… oh the Oregon coast. I haven’t been there just to enjoy the beach in awhile…actually ever since i picked up photography i have never been able to fully enjoy the coast. I worry about sand and sea water hitting my lens (which reminds me i need to clean my lens to make sure the sea water does not do vile things to my UV filter) for this reason i cannot bury my feet in the sand, take off my shirt and show off my beach bod, or build sand castles. Tis a fair trade off though when i find fun things to photograph. I find it harder to take candid photographs for 2 reasons. 1) i no haz L-lens so i cannot be at a distance to take said shots. 2) I am a guy. Why is the latter a factor? I will tell you. You see a girl taking pictures of kids and random happenings you think naught of it…but when you see a guy do the same your head screams “CREEPER!” Now i dont know about you but i prefer my face sans purse/fist.
You Oregonians are most familiar with this household name. If you have visited the Oregon coast you know what im talking about.