Monday, June 22, 2009

.purple hippos

yes this will be a trend of mine.
my titles will have nothing to do with the actual body of text that follows.

i must write something today even if there is naught much to talk about. i hope to put something up every day or at least every other day. (campaign promise... lulz)

just dropped off my boss and his family to taiwan this morning. upon reading the previous sentence i realize it sounds like i drove to taiwan, which would be totally preposterous since i drove a submarine.

so now i have the rest of day to do.....nothing of great consequence.

i feel like doogie howser except the whole world reads it, and i have a way better 'puter (take that doogie!)

EDIT: oh yea, so marshall doesnt cry :)

"live long and prosper"


  1. I cried not at the "EDIT" but at the sight of "just dropped off my boss and his family to taiwan this morning." Luckily you saved yourself with your lame excuse(s).

    Btw is that what you call your car, a submarine?

  2. i was thinking of correcting it, but i love how the english language works.

    like this sign i saw at a pizza place.

    "i got a pepperoni pizza for my wife.
    best trade i ever made"
