Sunday, September 5, 2010




So I am pretty much failing at keeping this sucker updated, but no one seems to care…well except for maybe Miss. LL yes you know who you are!

To appease LL I shall finally put up some pics.
The coast… oh the Oregon coast. I haven’t been there just to enjoy the beach in awhile…actually ever since i picked up photography i have never been able to fully enjoy the coast. I worry about sand and sea water hitting my lens (which reminds me i need to clean my lens to make sure the sea water does not do vile things to my UV filter) for this reason i cannot bury my feet in the sand, take off my shirt and show off my beach bod, or build sand castles. Tis a fair trade off though when i find fun things to photograph. I find it harder to take candid photographs for 2 reasons. 1) i no haz L-lens so i cannot be at a distance to take said shots. 2) I am a guy. Why is the latter a factor? I will tell you. You see a girl taking pictures of kids and random happenings you think naught of it…but when you see a guy do the same your head screams “CREEPER!” Now i dont know about you but i prefer my face sans purse/fist.

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You Oregonians are most familiar with this household name. If you have visited the Oregon coast you know what im talking about.

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Kid and his castle                                                                            Random bike



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Saturday, July 31, 2010

.return of the jedi


no its not a starwars blog. It has been too bloody long since my last post and my promise to put up those seattle pics.

So here you go lisa since I already converted them to jpg a loooooong time ago i can post this really fast. I still haven’t put up pics from the last wedding i did, but they weren’t very good anyways.

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                                                                                                This was lunch……mmm clam chowder


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                                   Lisa going for a Parisian cafe look


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                                                                                                  A bird almost added some extra sauce in my clam chowder,
                                                                                                 but landed on my chucks instead.


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                                                                                                  mmmmmmmmmmmm Gum wall


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Tuesday, June 22, 2010

.slackin run


Apologies. I have not been keeping pace with my once a week promise. A whirlwind of activities as of late. So after that Saturday market at the couv I went for a “running shoot” A good opportunity for me to practice my motion shots. So here is Lisa all runner like and stuff. I have a bunch more pics from Seattle @ Pikes and graduation shots. I will have to give the Seattle trip its own post…maybe in a couple days.

So for now here is a couple pics from the shoot with Lisa.

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Saturday, June 12, 2010

.market victory


Had fully intended to sleep until 11am then watch the match USA v England match, but the parental units decided to head off to the couv saturday market and woke me up to tell me their intentions. First off being woken up from a nice Saturday sleep-in is no fun…second I think I was having a cool dream.

So being awake now that mom had burst in yelling “Wanna go to Saturday market?” I thought I might as well since I was up.

Also in honor of the US victory (yes I am considering this a victory) 1-1
I took this at the market not knowing the outcome of the upcoming game. I must have known deep down in my heart I would have a use for it.





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                                                                                                                                LOL HITLER

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                              Snow Cone FAIL                                                                    MMM….Rosemary, Thyme, Oregano…

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j05h 16:9

Friday, June 11, 2010



Today was such a Portland day. I got up this morning thinking to myself “I think today is going to be awesome!”
Twas so picturesque…a picture perfect Portland day. Im not being sarcastic here I really do enjoy the rain. CRAZINESS! you say?

Numero Uno: I have allergies, and using my most awesome logic the rain keeps down all the nasty stuff that makes my eyes itch and my nose to run.

Numero Dos: When its raining just wear a rain coat or hoodie, and if you’re a fake Portlander or out-of-towner use an umbrella. What can you do when its hot? You cant run around in you skivvies now can you? Well you can, but you might get arrested for indecent exposure. Now only downside to the rain is stupid Portlanders who don’t seem to know how to drive in rain…I mean hello? you live in Portland and you can’t drive in the beautiful liquid sunshine?

I felt like I was going to drown today, but it finally let up and was just cloudy…perfection. 
After work I was totally content with just being lazy at home when some friends invited me to go do something. Half of me wanted to stay home and do nothing, but the “get-off-your-bum” half won out.

As always I only post when I have pictures…so here are pictures as promised. I will now try and force myself to bring my soul snatcher whenever and wherever I can.

Glendoveer has a trail going around its course so we took a leisurely stroll there. The trail was nice and squidgy…it did wonders for our shoes.


I thought i would fiddle with an automate feature that adds a watermark…looks kind of tacky.

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